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本文目录:1、恐龙的英语单词2、关于漳州的英文介绍3、英文交流的时候,一些景区的名字用英语要怎么翻译?4、小学英语重要单词5、请教各位名胜古迹的英文名称,像故宫、天坛之类的,越多越好(可酌情追加悬赏)恐龙的英语单词恐龙的英文:Dinosaurdinosaur 读法 英 [\’daɪnəsɔː]  美 


  • 1、恐龙的英语单词
  • 2、关于漳州的英文介绍
  • 3、英文交流的时候,一些景区的名字用英语要怎么翻译?
  • 4、小学英语重要单词
  • 5、请教各位名胜古迹的英文名称,像故宫、天坛之类的,越多越好(可酌情追加悬赏)



dinosaur 读法 英 [‘daɪnəsɔː]  美 [ˈdaɪnəˌsɔr]

n(名词). 恐龙;过时、落伍的人或事物


1、feathered dinosaur 有羽毛恐龙

2、Dinosaur classification 恐龙分类表

3、Dinosaur Assassin 恐龙刺客

4、Dinosaur dig 掘恐龙

5、Dinosaur Forest 恐龙森林


Dinosaur 相关词语 crawl


1、crawl用作动词的基本意思是“爬行”,指腹部或双膝和手贴地爬行; 也可指“徐缓而行”,多用于指车辆缓慢前进,间或也可用于指时间。

2、crawl与介词to搭配,意为“巴结,奉承”,多用于指下级对上级; 与介词with搭配,意为“爬满…,满是”。







1、crawl to巴结,奉承

2、crawl with爬满

3、move at a crawl缓慢行进

4、crawl  rules 爬行规律

5、rail crawl 线路爬行



提到漳州,人们就会想起水仙,这块美丽的土地是水仙的故乡,故将其命为漳州的市花。漳州城有1300多年的历史,它是福建省著名侨乡和台胞主要祖居地,也是国务院公布的国家历史文化名城。漳州是凌波仙子水仙花的故乡,这里山川秀美,人文荟萃,民俗风情,千姿百态。名花、佳果、奇山、异石、古寺、岩洞、火山、圆楼、海水、沙滩、湖泊、瀑布构成了漳州海滨风光、花果园林、文化古迹、绿色生态、宗教朝圣等五大各具特色的旅游资源。其中,以海峡西岸旅游岛——东山岛、漳州滨海火山地貌国家地质公园为代表的海滨风光秀丽、神奇;以漳州茶博苑、漳州花博园为代表的花果园林绚丽、诱人;以世界建筑奇观——土楼、漳浦赵家堡为代表的文化古迹悠久、璀璨;以虎伯寮国家自然保护区、云霄红树林为代表的绿色生态葱郁、引人;以千年古刹三平寺、南山寺为代表的宗教朝迩圣闻名遐。其它景点有:云洞岩、慈济宫、灵通岩、仙字潭、百花村、天宝蕉林以及历史名人遗址黄道周纪念馆、威惠庙、陈元光墓等。漳州海滨风光秀丽神奇,有漳州滨海火山国家地质公园的奇特海岸地质地貌景观——“海上兵马俑”龙海牛头山古火山口和“火山岛”漳浦林进屿等。有国家4A 级旅游区东山风动石——塔屿风景区,国家级海滨森林公园乌礁湾,“天然海滨浴场”马銮湾、隆教湾,“海上动物园”龙、虎、狮、象屿,云霄漳江口“红树林”旅游区,以及“闽山第一峰”南太武山等。 漳州是著名的“花果之乡”,花果园林绚丽诱人,是历届海峡两岸(福建·漳州)花卉博览会的主会场。有花市一条街,水仙花田,百花村,凤凰山万亩荔枝海,马口花博园等以及各县(市、区)颇具规模的花果园林如长泰芦柑公园,南靖兰花园,平和柚子园,天宝香蕉林等。 漳州西北多山,绿色生态葱郁引人。蜿蜒起伏的山峦形成一处处诱人的天然大氧吧,长泰天柱山国家级森林公园,华安国家级森林公园,南靖虎伯寮(虎伯寮、乐土雨林、鹅仙洞、紫荆山)国家级自然保护区等,是生态旅游的理想之地。 漳州宗教文化发达,朝圣旅游饮誉海内外,全国重点佛教寺庙南山寺,千年古刹三平寺,国家级文物保护单位关帝庙、慈济宫,开漳圣迹威惠庙、将军山公园等闻名遐迩。 近年来,漳州市委、市政府加大对旅游业的扶持力度,明确把旅游业确定为重点产业,出台《关于加快旅游重点产业发展若干规定》的优惠政策,制定了《漳州市旅游业发展总体规划》,全市旅游业发展蓬勃向上,旅游业形成了一定的产业规模,逐步成为漳州经济发展的重要产业。 “欲游漳州何时好,最是荔红桔黄时,龙江千古留胜迹,画山秀水皆宜人。” “凌波仙子万般风情,南国滨海千姿神韵”,朋友,美丽富饶的漳州迎候您的光临!

Zhangzhou introduces

Mentions Zhangzhou, the people can remember the narcissus, thisbeautiful land is narcissus’s hometown, therefore its life forZhangzhou’s city flower. The Zhangzhou city has more than 1,300 yearshistory, it is Fujian Province famous overseas Chinese district andthe compatriots in Taiwan is main 祖居, also is the countryhistorical city which the State Council announces. Zhangzhou is thesurging waves fairy maiden narcissus flower’s hometown, here mountainsand rivers are elegant, galaxy, folk custom character and style,differ in thousands of ways. The precious flower, the good fruit, thewonderful mountain, the different stone, the ancient temple, thegrotto, the volcano, the round building, the sea water, the sandbeach, the lake, the waterfall constituted the Zhangzhou seashorescenery, the fruit and flowers botanical garden, the culturalmonument, the green ecology, the religion went on a pilgrimage and soon five big each characteristic traveling resources. Among them, takechannel West bank traveling island – Dongshan Island, the ZhangzhouBinhai volcano landform country geology park as representative’sseashore scenery beautiful, is mysterious; Take the Zhangzhou teaabundant park, the Zhangzhou flower abundant garden asrepresentative’s fruit and flowers botanical garden gorgeous, isattractive; Take the world construction marvelous sight – earthbuilding, the Zhangpu Zhao Chiapao as representative’s culturalmonument glorious, is radiant; Take the tiger uncle Laos countrynature protection area, the Yunsiao mangrove forest are stronglyfragrant as representative’s green ecology onion, directs the person;Take the millennium ancient temple three even temples, 南山 thetemple face 迩 the saint as representative’s religion to bewell-known 遐. Other scenic spots include: The cloud hole crag,kindly aids the palace, the quick crag, the immortal character deeppool, the hundred flowers village, 天宝 蕉 forest as well as thehistorical celebrity ruins ecliptic week memorial hall, prestige HuiMiao, Chen Yuanguang the grave and so on. The Zhangzhou seashorescenery beautiful is mysterious, has the Zhangzhou Binhai volcanocountry geology park the unusual seacoast geology landform landscape -“the marine burial figures of warriors and horses” the Longhai Mt.niutoushan ancient crater and “the volcanic island” Zhangpu Lin Jinyuand so on. Has the national 4A level traveling area Dongshancompressed-air driven stone – tower islet scenic spot, national levelseashore forest park Wu Jiaowan, “the natural seashore bathing place”Ma Luanwan, prosperously teaches the bay, “marine zoo” dragon, tiger,lion, elephant islet, Yunsiao Zhang Jiangkou “mangrove forest”traveling area, as well as “Fujian mountain first peak” South PacificWushan and so on. Zhangzhou is famous “township of the fruit andflowers”, the fruit and flowers botanical garden gorgeous isattractive, is all previous years two sides across the Taiwan Strait(the Fujian Zhangzhou) the flowers and plants exposition mainconference site. Has a flower market street, the narcissus flowerfield, the hundred flowers village, the Pheonix mountains ten thousandChinese acres litchi chinenses seas, Ma Kouhua the abundant garden andso on as well as various counties (city, area) quite has the scale thefruit and flowers botanical garden like Changtai 芦柑 park, theNanjing blue garden, gentle shaddock garden, 天宝 banana forest andso on. Zhangzhou northwest multi- mountains, green ecology onion YuYinren. Winds the mountain range which fluctuates to form everywhereattractive natural big oxygen, the Changtai Tienchu mountain countrylevel forest park, the Hua’an country level forest park, Nanjing tigeruncle Laos (tiger uncle Laos, the paradise rain forest, goose immortalhole, 紫荆山) the national level nature protection area and so on,is the eco-tourism place of ideal. Zhangzhou religion culturedeveloped, goes on a pilgrimage the traveling to win praiseeverywhere, the nation key Buddhist temple 南山 temple, themillennium ancient temple three even temples, the national levelcultural relic preservation organ temple to Guanyu, kindly aids thepalace, opens Zhang saint mark prestige Hui Miao, the Chinagchunshanpark and so on is known far and wide. In recent years, the Zhangzhoumunicipal party committee, the municipal government enlarged totourism’s support dynamics, was clear about the tourism determinationis the key industry, appeared “about To speed up Traveling KeyIndustry Developed Certain Stipulations” the preferential policy,formulated “Zhangzhou Tourism To develop Overall plan”, the whole citytourism developed vigorously is upward, the tourism has formed thecertain industrial scale, gradually became the Zhangzhou economydevelopment the important industry. “Wants to tour the Zhangzhou whatfashion, when most is the litchi red orange, the Longjiang eternitywill keep the victory mark, will draw Shan Xiushui to be allpleasant.” “The surging waves fairy maiden 万般 character and style,the southern part of China Binhai thousand postures charm”, thefriend, beautiful and rich Zhangzhou welcomes you the presence!


北京 Beijing

故宫 Former Imperial Palace 天坛 Temple of Heaven 北海公园 Beihai Park 长城 Great Wall 颐和园 Summer Palace

十三陵 Thirteen Ming Tombs 雍和宫 Yonghegong Lamasery 北京动物园 Beijing Zoo 胡同 Tour of Hutongs

恭王府 Prince Gong’s Mansion

周口店北京猿人遗址 Zhoukoudian-Home of Peking Man 圆明园遗址 Ruins of Yuanmingyuan 卢沟桥 Lugou Bridge 香山公园 Xiangshan Park 碧云寺 Biyun Temple 潭柘寺 Tanzhe Temple 卧佛寺 Wofo Temple 戒台寺 Jietai Temple 法海寺 Fahai Temple 云居寺 Yunju Temple 白云寺 Baiyun Temple

西安 Xi’an

大雁塔 Great Wild Goose Pagoda 小雁塔 Small Wild Goose Pagoda

秦始皇兵马俑博物馆 Museum of Emperor Qinshihuang’s Tomb Figures of Soldiers and Horses 秦始皇陵 The Tomb of Emperor Qinshihuang 黄帝陵 The Huangdi Tomb 鼓楼 The Drum Tower 钟楼 The Bell Tower

西安城墙 The Xi’an Circumvallation 华清池 The Huaqing Pond 乾陵 The Qian Tomb 法门寺 The Famen Temple

黄河壶口瀑布 The Huanghe Hukou Waterfall

敦煌 Dunhuang

莫高窟 The Mogao Grottoes 西千佛洞 Xiqianfodong Caves 白马塔 The Baima Tower 雷音寺 Leiyin Temple

榆林 Yulin Grottoes in Anxi

阳关 Yangguan Pass 玉门关 Jade Gate Pass 悬泉 Xuanquan Remains

鸣沙山和月牙泉 The Mingsha Mountain and the Crescent Moon Spring

新疆 Xinjiang

天池 Tianchi Lake 卡纳斯湖 Kanas Lake 吐鲁番 Turpan

丝绸之路 Silk Road Tour

巴音布鲁克草原 Bayanbulak Grassland

西藏 Tibet

拉萨 Lhasa

布达拉宫 Potala Palace

南京 Nanjing

中山陵 Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum 秦淮风光带 Qinhuai River Scenic Belt 灵谷寺 Linggu Temple 明城墙 Ming Great Wall 玄武湖 Xuanwu Lake 莫愁湖 Mochou Lake

苏州 Suzhou

拙政园 Zhuozheng or the Humble Administrator’s Garden 狮子林 Shizilin

留园 Liuyuan or Lingering Garden

沧浪亭 Canglangting or the Surging Wave Pavilion 网师园 Wangshiyuan

环秀山庄 Huanxiushanzhuang Garden 虎丘山 the Tiger Hill 枫桥 Fengqiao Bridge 盘门 Panmen

寒山寺 Cold Mountain Temple 角直 Luzhi Town

双桥 Shuangqiao Bridges (Double Bridges)


断桥 Broken Bridge 西湖 West Lake

三潭映月 Three Pools Mirroring the Moon 岳飞祠 Yue Fei Temple

六和塔 Six Harmonies Pagoda

保俶塔 Baoshu Pagoda

花港观鱼 Fish Wonder at Huagang Crook 西泠印社 Xiling Seal Club 黄龙洞 Yellow Dragon Cave

灵隐寺 Lingyin Temple or Temple of Soul’s Retreat 飞来峰 Carved Stone Statues on Peak Flown From Afar 千岛湖 Thousand-Island Lake

严子陵钓鱼台 Yan Ziling’s Fishing Platform 天目山 Tianmu Mountains 富春江 Fuchun River

桂林 Guilin

七星岩 Seven-star Park 漓江 Li River 骆驼山 Camel Hill 花桥 Flower Bridge

九寨沟 Nine-village Valley 张家界 Zhang Jiajie

桂林山水 Guilin Scenery with Hills and Waters 十三陵 The Ming Tombs

秦始皇陵 The Emperor Qin Shihuang’s Tomb 人民英雄纪念碑 The Monument to the People’s Heroes 毛主席纪念堂 Chairman Mao Memorial Hall 人民大会堂 The Great Hall of the People 故宫 The Forbidden City 天坛 The Temple of Heaven 颐和园 The Summer Palace 长城 The Great Wall 北海公园 Beihai Park

故宫博物院 the Palace Museum

紫金山天文台: Purple and Gold Hills Observation 黄果树瀑布 Huangguoshu Falls 龙门石窟 Longmen Cave 苏州园林 Suzhou Gardens 庐山 Lushan Mountain 天池 Heaven Poll

大雁塔 Big Wild Goose Pagoda 华山 Huashan Mountain 峨眉山 Emei Mountain



大写:A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

小写:a b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z




声母表 Aa Bb Pp Mm Ff Dd Tt Nn Ll Gg Kk Hh Jj Qq Xx Zz Cc Ss Rr Yy Ww

翘舌音zh ch sh

单韵母表 a o e i u ü(上边两点读於yu)

复韵母表ai ei ui ao ou iu ie üe er an en in un ang eng ing ong

整体认读音节zhi chi shi yi wu yu yin ye yue

前鼻韵母(5个) n en in un ün

后鼻韵母(4个) ng eng ing ong


b ba bo bai bei bao ban ben bang beng bi bie biao bian bin bing

p pa po pai pao pou pan pen pang peng pi pie piao pian pin ping

m ma mo me mai mao mou man men mang meng mi mie miao miu mian min ming

f fa fo fei fou fan fen fang feng

d da de dai dei dao dou dan dang deng di die diao diu dian ding

t ta te tai tao tou tan tang teng ti tie tiao tian ting

n na nai nei nao no nen nang neng ni nie niao niu nian nin niang ning

l la le lai lei lao lou lan lang leng li lia lie liao liu lian lin liang ling

g ga ge gai gei gao gou gan gen gang geng

k ka ke kai kou kan ken kang keng

h ha he hai hei hao hou hen hang heng

j ji jia jie jiao jiu jian jin jiang jing

q qi qia qie qiao qiu qian qin qiang qing

x xi xia xie xiao xiu xian xin xiang xing

zh zha zhe zhi zhai zhao zhou zhan zhen zhang zheng

ch cha che chi chai chou chan chen chang cheng

sh sha she shi shai shao shou shan shen shang sheng

r re ri rao rou ran ren rang reng

z za ze zi zai zao zou zang zeng

c ca ce ci cai cao cou can cen cang ceng

s sa se si sai sao sou san sen sang seng

y ya yao you yan yang yu ye yue yuan yi yin yun ying

w wa wo wai wei wan wen wang weng wu


北京 Beijing

天安门广场 Tian’an Men Square

故宫 Former Imperial Palace

天坛 Temple of Heaven

北海公园 Beihai Park

长城 Great Wall

颐和园 Summer Palace

十三陵 Thirteen Ming Tombs

雍和宫 Yonghegong Lamasery

北京动物园 Beijing Zoo

胡同 Tour of Hutongs

恭王府 Prince Gong’s Mansion

周口店北京猿人遗址 Zhoukoudian-Home of Peking Man

圆明园遗址 Ruins of Yuanmingyuan

卢沟桥 Lugou Bridge

香山公园 Xiangshan Park

碧云寺 Biyun Temple

潭柘寺 Tanzhe Temple

卧佛寺 Wofo Temple

戒台寺 Jietai Temple

法海寺 Fahai Temple

云居寺 Yunju Temple

白云寺 Baiyun Temple

西安 Xi’an

大雁塔 Great Wild Goose Pagoda

小雁塔 Small Wild Goose Pagoda

秦始皇兵马俑博物馆 Museum of Emperor Qinshihuang’s Tomb Figures of Soldiers and Horses

秦始皇陵 The Tomb of Emperor Qinshihuang

黄帝陵 The Huangdi Tomb

鼓楼 The Drum Tower

钟楼 The Bell Tower

西安城墙 The Xi’an Circumvallation

华清池 The Huaqing Pond

乾陵 The Qian Tomb

法门寺 The Famen Temple

黄河壶口瀑布 The Huanghe Hukou Waterfall

敦煌 Dunhuang

莫高窟 The Mogao Grottoes

西千佛洞 Xiqianfodong Caves

白马塔 The Baima Tower

雷音寺 Leiyin Temple

榆林 Yulin Grottoes in Anxi

阳关 Yangguan Pass

玉门关 Jade Gate Pass

悬泉 Xuanquan Remains

鸣沙山和月牙泉 The Mingsha Mountain and the Crescent Moon Spring

新疆 Xinjiang

天池 Tianchi Lake

卡纳斯湖 Kanas Lake

吐鲁番 Turpan

丝绸之路 Silk Road Tour

巴音布鲁克草原 Bayanbulak Grassland

西藏 Tibet

拉萨 Lhasa

布达拉宫 Potala Palace

南京 Nanjing

中山陵 Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum

秦淮风光带 Qinhuai River Scenic Belt

灵谷寺 Linggu Temple

明城墙 Ming Great Wall

玄武湖 Xuanwu Lake

莫愁湖 Mochou Lake

苏州 Suzhou

拙政园 Zhuozheng orthe Humble Administrator’s Garden

狮子林 Shizilin

留园 LiuyuanorLingering Garden

沧浪亭 Canglangtingorthe Surging Wave Pavilion

网师园 Wangshiyuan

环秀山庄 Huanxiushanzhuang Garden

虎丘山 the Tiger Hill

枫桥 Fengqiao Bridge

盘门 Panmen

寒山寺 Cold Mountain Temple

角直 Luzhi Town

双桥 Shuangqiao Bridges (Double Bridges)


断桥 Broken Bridge

西湖 West Lake

三潭映月 Three Pools Mirroring the Moon

岳飞祠 Yue Fei Temple

六和塔 Six Harmonies Pagoda

保俶塔 Baoshu Pagoda

花港观鱼 Fish Wonder at Huagang Crook

西泠印社 Xiling Seal Club

黄龙洞 Yellow Dragon Cave

灵隐寺 Lingyin TempleorTemple of Soul’s Retreat

飞来峰 Carved Stone Statues on Peak Flown From Afar

千岛湖 Thousand-Island Lake

严子陵钓鱼台 Yan Ziling’s Fishing Platform

天目山 Tianmu Mountains

富春江 Fuchun River

桂林 Guilin

七星岩 Seven-star Park

漓江 Li River

骆驼山 Camel Hill

花桥 Flower Bridge

Jingjiang King’s Residence

Crown Cave

塔山 Ta Hill

Reed Flute Cave

Jingjiang King’s Tombs

象鼻山 Elephant-trunk Hill

西山 West Hill

Fubo Hill

Brocade Hill、

云南 Yunnan

昆明 Kunming

滇池 Dianchi Lake,

西山 West hill

西山森林公园 West Hill forest Park

Yunnan thnic Village

Grand View Pavilion

Qiongzhu Temple

Golden Hall

Yuantong Temple

Cuihu Park

世博园 the Garden of the World Horticultural Exposition

大理 Dali

大理三塔 The Three Pagodas

苍山洱海 Cangshan Mountain and Erhai Lake

蝴蝶泉 the Butterfly Spring

丽江Lijiang Naxi County

Ancient Dayan Town

玉龙雪山 Snow-capped Yulong Mountain

Hutiao Gorgen on Jingsha River

长江第一弯 First Bend of the Yangtze

10,000-flower Camellia Tree in Yufeng Temple

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关于作者: yuntue




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