netfront怎么样?netfront是一家专门提供香港大带宽vps的主机服务商。这家的VPS基于KVM VPS,有限制流量和不限流量两类(之前的多IP VPS,超售及其严重,这次不知道如何,希望可以改善)。支持Paypal、支付宝、微信付款。有需要的可以关注一下。目前,netfront香港原生ip vps,1核1G/大带宽300M,低至80元/月起!
全新香港原生IP VPS:
1、300Mbps VPS 流量 1TB Traffic (1C+1G+16G+1IP+1T) (C) (SSD)
接口 300Mbps,流量 1TB,超出之後限速 2Mbps,下月第一日重置,中國連線優化,只支援 Linux,每月付款,只限非商業用途。300Mbps interface, limited traffic to 1TB, afterwards 2Mbps, reset on 1st of next month. Optimized China route. Linux only. Monthly payment. Non-commercial use only.
价格:HK$88.00/月 <<直达链接
2、20Mbps VPS 不限流量 Unlimited Traffic (2C+2G+32G+1IP) (C) (SSD)
2個CPU內核,2G內存,32G SSD存儲和1個IPv4+1個IPv6,接口20Mbps獨享,中國連線優化,不限流量。2 CPU cores, 2G RAM, 32G SSD storage and IPv4 + IPv6 addresses, 20Mbps interface dedicated bandwidth, optimised China route, unlimited traffic.
价格:HK$150.00/月 <<直达链接
3、20Mbps VPS 不限流量 Unlimited Traffic (8C+8G+128G+1IP) (C) (SSD)
8個CPU內核,8G內存,128G SSD 存儲和1個IPv4+1個IPv6,接口20Mbps獨享,中國連線優化,不限流量。8 CPU cores, 8G RAM, 128G SSD storage and IPv4 + IPv6 addresses, 20Mbps interface dedicated bandwidth, optimised China route, unlimited traffic.
价格:HK$270.00/月 <<直达链接
4、50Mbps VPS 不限流量 Unlimited Traffic (2C+2G+32G+1IP) (C) (SSD)
2個CPU內核,2G內存,32G SSD 存儲和1個IPv4+1個IPv6,接口50Mbps獨享,中國連線優化,不限流量。2 CPU cores, 2G RAM, 32G SSD storage and IPv4 + IPv6 addresses, 50Mbps interface dedicated bandwidth, optimised China route, unlimited traffic.
价格:HK$280.00/月 <<直达链接
5、Multi VPS 多個 VPS (8C+8G+128G+4IP@160Mbps+6T) (C) (SSD)
8個CPU內核,8G內存,128G SSD 存儲和4個IPv4+4個IPv6,靈活配置多達4台連接公網 Linux VPS,每台每IP接口160Mbps獨享,中國連線優化,總月流量 6TB,之後 HK$0.12/GB。Total 8 CPU cores, 8G RAM, 128G SSD storage and 4 IPv4 + 4 IPv6, allowing flexible configuration of up to 4 Linux VPS on a HA cluster. All 160Mbps interfaces dedicated bandwidth, optimised China route, total 6TB per month traffic, extra at HK$0.12/GB.
价格:HK$450.00/月 <<直达链接
6、100Mbps VPS 不限流量 Unlimited Traffic (4C+4G+64G+1IP) (C) (SSD)
4個CPU內核,4G內存,64G SSD存儲和1個IPv4+1個IPv6,接口100Mbps獨享,中國連線優化,不限流量,只支援 Linux,每月付款。4 CPU cores, 4G RAM, 64G SSD storage and IPv4 + IPv6 addresses, 100Mbps interface dedicated bandwidth, unlimited traffic, optimised China route, Linux only, monthly payment.
价格:HK$600.00/月 <<直达链接
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